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Villes/Paris/International/CR/8 may 2016 - FINAL MEETING GLOBAL DEBOUT

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Révision de 31 mai 2016 à 12:57 par (discussion) (TITRE DU COMPTE RENDU)

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8 may 2016



  • Fight for Rights on social / economic / political level
  • Tax Justice no tax heavens; fight for a global tax policy which will allow less competition between countries
  • Social Economy Reestablishing the idea of social state oriented and adaptive on needs of people ...
  • Open World more fluid bordes, welcoming refugees, humanistic immigration policies


  • Ecological
  • Transparency / Democracy establishing means of direct democracy, demand of transparant governance
  • Debout / Dignity Autonomy: giving citizens more space for autonomous organization

The meeting took the decision to vote that the work done by the group “values” will serve as a base to the final work. This group will keep working on this subject. The assembly voted and accpeted this program as working basis.

Long Term Goals

Short term

  • Create the 15 of may as a global movement and creating slowly connection between all groups not only France and Spain to share and communicated about what group are working about but also how (tools communication….)
  • Occupying squares
  • Having delegates from squares - in order to share experience and organizing global meeting
  • Collecting the global discussion in one Wikione Wiki

Medium term

  • the group propose to build the next step in autumn. To do this step we need to create a common language and find common objectives.
  • Importance of linking local objectives to a global view was emphasized.
  • We also have to group to help in the translation.

Long term

Needs further discussion


  • Occupation The main action will be the occupation of square in a global way at 8 pm local time in Paris/Madrid all around the world.
  • Global Rising Up The common action all around Europe is to get up all in the same time.
  • Colorfulnes We’ll ask people to wear as much as possible colors.
  • Boycott boycott action every week
  • Meeting on the 15th 8pm
  • Who own the public squares In London, there is a problem that the 1% are owners of the public spaces so in is not possible for them to occupy those places. So one proposal was: To leak a list of "public space" owners of involved cities.

Show solidarity between groups, be in contact with the communication group The assembly vote that this program will serve as the basis.

