Nuit Debout broadcast settings[edit | edit source]
The videos are to be transferred to[edit | edit source]
Most videos follow the outline below :
- An exhaustive introduction to the committee you want to talk about, as well as the outcome of the debate.
- Showing us around by filming the square where the event is taking place.
- Filming a bit of the popular assembly.
Technical settings :[edit | edit source]
- 720p 25fps (progressive)
- .mov file
- H264 codec
- Bit rate from 3 Mbits/s to 6 mbits/s
Duplex communication[edit | edit source]
With RTMP camera or Larix broadcaster .
Bambuser : It is also possible to work with Bambuser reporters.
Duplex outline (in coordination with[edit | edit source]
These settings are meant to help cities setting up their shows. It is not mandatory, feel free to adapte it. The main idea of a duplex communication system is to show and share out struggles happening in cities worldwide. Each duplex will be approximately 15 minute long, and will include:
- A start with an introduction to one of the persons in charge of the event.
- A « selfie » kind of shot, to show the face of the camera operator.
- Introduction to the event itself: how long it has been taking place for, the main claims and so on.
- Show us a bit of the square where the event is happening.
- Introduction to a few committees with interviews of the «leaders » (Don’t forget to mention their names beforehand).
- Show a bit of what is being said during the popular assembly.
- Then we get back again to the camera operator, who gives us an abstract and the upcoming perspective of the event.
- Cut. We get back to TvDebout
Technical Settings[edit | edit source]
CARREFUL : Please follow them one by one, otherwise the communication will fail.
Applications : Appli Iphone : Appli Android :
You will need a 4G connection as well as an external battery if you want to be able to move around.
The transmitting phone will need:
Bitrate : 1000000 Sample rate : 44100 Son : Mono Résolution : 640x480 URI : rtmp:// clé : Nom_de_la_ville Un kit main libre dont le micro servira aux interview
Here’s an example : URI : rtmp:// clé : Nom_de_la_ville iPhone : rtmp://<cle>
To make sure the connection works, go to:
URL , (in this example, the city being Bourges, we wrote bourges. Type the name of your city instead).
You will have to wait from 10 to 20 secondes before being able to check it on Safari of VLC.
Other examples of duplex that we’ve already done :[edit | edit source]
Wednesday April 20[edit | edit source]
- Marseille :
- Bourges :
Thursday April 21[edit | edit source]
Monday April 25[edit | edit source]
- Théâtre de l'Odéon :