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                      M E L O D Y    M A S T E R                 
                              Version 2.6                        

                       U S E R ' S    G U I D E                  

                          c r e a t e d   b y                    

                         Alexei (Alyosha) Efros                      
                      1125 East 200 South  Apt.#2                
                      Salt Lake City, Utah 84102                 

                WWW Page:          

                   Dedicated to Lisa Levina                     
                       - the best person in the world!              

                    Copyright 1990-96 by A.A.Efros               
                          All Rights Reserved                    

     ***************** IMPORTANT LEGAL INFORMATION ****************

                        Melody Master, Version 2.6

     This software is provided in its current configuration. The
     author makes no warranty of any kind, whether expressed or
     implied, including, without limitation, any warranties of
     merchantability or suitability for a particular purpose.
     Melody Master is NOT a public domain program. It is Copyright
     (c) 1990-96 by Alexei A. Efros.  All rights are reserved.
     Melody Master software and its accompanying documentation are
     protected by United States Copyright laws as well as by
     International Treaty provisions.  Any use of this software in
     violation of the copyright laws or the terms of this limited
     license will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
     The author, Alexei A. Efros, hereby grants you a limited
     license to use this software for evaluation purposes for a
     period not to exceed thirty (30) days.  If you decide to
     continue using this software (and/or its documentation) after
     the thirty (30) day evaluation period, you MUST register your
     copy with a registration payment to the author.
     Use of this program beyond the thirty (30) day evaluation
     period, without registering the software, is a violation of
     the terms of this limited license.
     No licensee shall use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
     decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
     transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
     agreement. Any such unauthorized use will result in immediate
     and automatic termination of this license.
     A Commercial License is required for any use of the Melody
     Master output files in for-profit software.
     All rights not expressly granted in this limited license are
     reserved by the author.

             R E G I S T R A T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N

          Support Shareware by registering today! Thank you!     
     To  register  your  copy  of  Melody   Master,   print   the 
     registration form (INVOICE.TXT file on  the  program  disk), 
     fill it out, and send it to the author.  The current pricing 
     is as follows:
         Personal license              $15.00
         Commercial license            $25.00
         Educational site license      $ 5.00 each
     Please note  that  the  educational  site  license  is  only 
     available to  educational  institutions  when  purchasing  a 
     minimum of 10 copies.  

   Registration Number
   8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)Esprit libre (discussion) 8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)
     Each registered user will receive a unique registration
     number. Installing this number along with your name into an
     existing copy of Melody Master will automatically register
     it. The registration remainder screen will disappear. Instead
     your name will be shown in the "About..." screen and at the
     program startup.
   Technical Support
   8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)~~
     One year of technical support by mail for all registered
     users. The support may also be obtained by electronic mail
     through the Internet and connected networks (CompuServe,
     America On-Line, etc.).
   A Good Feeling
   8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)Esprit libre (discussion) 8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)
     Best of all, you will enjoy a good feeling from supporting
     the shareware concept! You will also sleep better at night
     knowing that the "people from the Copyright Office" won't be
     after you.

   The Right To Use Output Files
   8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)Esprit libre (discussion) 8 août 2016 à 19:24 (CEST)
     A commercial license allows programmers, businesses, agencies,
     and other institutions to use the Melody Master output files
     in their commercial programs. No royalties are required!


     "This is the best melody maker program I have ever seen!"
                   - Robert L. A. Trost, CCI Ltd., The Netherlands

     "My BBS serves home-school families. Your program is EXCELLENT for
      working with children!!!"
                   - Linda R. Bloom, Florida, USA
     " of the most innovative ideas for a music composing
      program... It saves programmers a lot of time!"
                   - David Carney, MacroWare Software, USA

     "Beautiful piece of work."
                   - Familyware, Florida, USA

     "Publisher's choice"
                   - Expert Software, Florida, USA

     First Place Winner
                   - UCCE Annual Programming Contest, Provo, Utah, USA


     Melody Master is a music system that is designed for writing,
     editing, and playing one-part melodies.  The program uses a
     graphics interface that lets you view and edit the music in
     sheet form.  Melody Master can be used in a variety of ways.
     You can listen to the more than one hundred tunes that are
     included with the program.  You can experiment with changing
     the melodies that are included or write your own tunes.
     Melody Master will assist you in teaching yourself (or your
     children) the principles of music notation and structure in
     an enjoyable way. For programmers or people who enjoy
     configuring their PCs, Melody Master is an excellent tool for
     making your programs or batch files "sing". In whatever way
     you use it, Melody Master is easy to use, functional,
     educational, and a lot of fun!
     Melody Master employs sharps, flats, dotted notes, and repeats,
     provides four musical styles, seven note lengths, seven rests,
     approximately seven octaves, and can use up to 16 configurable
     Melodies can be saved into the program's *.MEL files. Or, the
     output files can be converted and exported for use in BASIC,
     Pascal, C, ANSI Music, Batch Files, Device Drivers, etc. It
     is possible to use some of the output files to play music in
     background - while your program is running!
     Two conversion utilities allow you to convert PIANOMAN's
     *.MUS files and BASIC's PLAY statements into Melody Master's
     *.MEL files. Thus, Melody Master is easily compatible with
     many of the popular music systems for PCs.

     Melody Master operates on an IBM PCs and compatible computers
     equipped with a CGA, EGA, VGA, or Hercules graphics card.
     Sound Blaster or compatible sound card is optional. 

     To start Melody Master type MM at the command prompt. The
     opening screen will appear with a portrait of Johann Sebastian
     Bach (one of my favorite composers). You will also hear the
     begining notes of his Fugue in G. Press any key to continue with
     the program. (There is also a batch file called START.BAT
     which can be used to run the program, look at documentation,
     Following the opening screen, you will see the music editing
     screen. The top segment of the screen shows the name of the
     composition, its length, the page number, and editing mode. The
     tempo, style, octave, and instrument boxes show the default
     settings. The next segment is a graph of five parallel lines on
     which the music is written (called a staff). The circle on the
     middle line of the staff is similar to a cursor. It shows where
     notes and rests are to be placed. Below the staff is the Help
     box which may be toggled on or off using the F1 function key. At
     the bottom of the screen, the function keys are listed.

     On the 5-line staff, the large S-like figure on the left side is
     called a G-clef (or treble clef).  It specifies the placement of
     the note G and the pitch or key of the music.  The arrows (or
     triangles) above and to the right of the staff indicate the
     position of note placement or editing.
     Notes are named using the first seven letters of the alphabet:
     A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.  The lines and spaces of the staff are
     named in succession from bottom to top.  In the case of the
     staff on the screen, the G-clef indicates that the note G will
     be on the second line from the bottom.  Thus, the notes on the
     staff shown on the screen, counting the lines and spaces in
     succession, and beginning with the bottom line, will be E, F,
     G, A, B, C, D, E, and F.
     The lines are named E, G, B, D, and F.  The spaces between the
     lines are named F, A, C, and E.  These notes correspond to the
     white keys on a piano.
     A series of 8 successive notes on the staff form a scale.  An
     8-note scale is named for the note on which it begins.
     Each note sounds for a specified amount of time.  Periods of
     silence between notes are called rests.  A whole note (or whole
     rest) is the basic unit of length within a given tempo and

     In 4/4 time, a whole note sounds for four counts and a whole
     rest lasts for four counts. Notes and rests of a shorter
     duration decrease in successive half-duration steps (e.g., whole
     note, half-note, quarter-note, eighth-note, sixteenth-note
     A dot after a note prolongs its value by half the duration of
     the note (e.g., a four-count whole note with a dot sounds for
     six counts.)
     Chromatic signs are placed before notes to raise or lower the
     pitch of the note.  Sharps raise the pitch by a half note.
     Flats lower the pitch by a half note.  As shown, the staff
     is in the "Key of C".  In the Key of C, the chromatic signs
     correspond to the black keys on a piano.
     Tempo indicates the speed at which the music is played.  The
     program includes six standard tempos.  Allegro (lively, brisk,
     rapid) is the default.  The tempo can be set to any speed with
     the Configuration utility.
     Style indicates the amount of delay that will occur between
     notes.  The program includes four preset styles.
     Octave indicates an eight-note measurement.  Press Control-PgUp
     to raise the tone of the music by eight notes (one octave).
     Control-PgDn lowers the music by one octave.
     Instrument box indicates what instrument will be used to play
     this piece. If you do not have a Sound Blaster card, then the
     box will display "Speaker" which denotes the internal PC
     speaker. Otherwise, using F10 you can choose from an array of
     different musical instruments including Piano, Violin, Organ,
     To place a note, move the large circle to the line or space
     where you want the note to appear.  Press 1 for a whole note,
     2 for a half-note, 3 for a quarter-note, 4 for an eighth-note,
     5 for a 16th-note, 6 for a 32nd-note, or 7 for a 64th-note.
     For a dotted note, hold down the ALT key and press the number as
     indicated above (1-7).
     To place a rest, hold down the SHIFT key and press 1-7 for the
     desired duration of the rest (pressing 1 for a whole note
     corresponds to pressing SHIFT-1 for a whole rest.) This may not
     work on some foreign keyboards or laptops. In that case, instead
     of SHIFT-(1-7) use the following symbols for the same effect:
     !,@,#,$,%,^, and &. 

     After you place a note or a rest, the cursor will automatically
     move to the next position so that you can add another note or
     rest. The maximum number of entries (notes or rests) permitted
     for each melody is 2560.
     To edit the musical entries, use the cursor keys.  Use the Right
     and Left cursor keys to move the arrow above the staff over the
     note you wish to change.  Then, use the Up and Down cursor keys
     to place the arrow which is to the right of the staff at the
     proper line or space.  Enter the desired note.
     If the INSERT mode is OFF, the new note will replace the previous
     note.  If the INSERT mode is ON, the new note will be inserted and
     the remaining note text of the tune will move one position to the
     To delete a note, move the arrow above the staff one note
     to the right of the note you want to delete.  Press the
     BACKSPACE key to delete the note.
     The current octave status is shown on the screen in a window
     called OCTAVE.  Two octaves can be seen and used on the staff
     in the NORMAL setting.  To move further up the scale, one octave
     (eight notes) at a time, use Ctrl-PgUp.  To move down the scale
     one octave at a time, use Ctrl-PgDn.  When a note is entered in
     this mode, it appears on a line above the staff.


     Cursor movement:
     Up / Down  (arrow keys)   - Move one line or space up/down
     Left / Right (arrow keys) - Move one note left/right
     PgUp / PgDn               - Move to the previous/next page
     Home / End                - Move to the beginning/end of the tune

     Note Representation:
     1  =  Full note              5  =  16th note
     2  =  Half note              6  =  32nd note
     3  =  Quarter note           7  =  64th note
     4  =  Eighth note

     Entering notation:
     1,2,3,4,5,6,7              -  Enter a note
     Shift-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7  -  Enter a rest
     Alt-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7    -  Enter a dotted note
     +                          -  Enter a sharp
     -                          -  Enter a flat
     [ / ]                      -  Open / close repeat (reprise)

     Backspace     -  Delete the previous note
     Insert        -  Toggle Insert mode On/Off

     Miscellaneous operations:
     Ctrl-PgUp     -  Go up one octave (8 notes higher)
     Ctrl-PgDn     -  Go down one octave (8 notes lower)
     PgUp / PgDn   -  (in menus) go to next/previous page in the menu
     Home / End    -  (in menus) go to the beginning/end of the list
     Esc           -  Exit the current menu
     Alt-X         -  Quit the program


     F1 - Toggle On/Off screen help window
     To access the Melody Master Help Utility Window on the screen
     while working with Melody Master, press F1.  To remove the Help
     Window, press F1 again.  The initial status of the Help screen
     can be setup with the Configuration Utility.
     F2 - Save a melody
     Save the current melody to the disk in *.MEL file format.  To
     save the melody with the current name, press Y at the first
     prompt.  To choose a different name, answer N at the prompt and
     enter an eight-character name (the extension .MEL is automatic.)
     F3 - Load a melody
     This command opens a file window.  The initial screen of the
     window lists the categories of tunes included in Melody Master.
     Use the Up, Down, PgUp, and PgDn keys to select a category of
     tunes and press ENTER.  The next screen shows the tunes in that
     category that can be loaded.  Use the Up, Down, PgUp, and PgDn
     keys to select a tune and press ENTER.  The tune loads.
     The lines "NAME\" and "..\" are directories.  Selecting one of
     these lines and pressing ENTER will take you to that directory.
     The "* home *" line takes you back to the default directory (see
     Configuration Utility). NOTE: Pressing ESC or loading a tune
     does not automatically return you to the default directory! Keep
     this in mind when saving tunes. Be sure you have selected the
     directory in which you want the tune to be saved.
     F4 - Play a melody
     This command plays the melody that is loaded using current
     settings.  To stop the melody, press ESC.
     F5 - Tempo
     Select one of six preset tempos.  Allegro (lively, brisk, rapid)
     is the Default tempo.  The configuration utility allows you to
     create any tempo you choose.  (Many named tempos exist.) 

     F6 - Debug play
     Plays the melody from the current cursor position and shows with
     a small arrow where it is playing.  This is useful for finding
     errors in the music.  Note that when Debug play goes from one
     page to the next, an unnatural pause occurs.  Use F4 to play the
     final melody in its natural form.
     F7 - Output files
     This command is used to generate the output as an ASCII file.
     The ASCII file may contain commands or data for a specific
     application such as Turbo Pascal, C, BASIC, 4DOS/NDOS, ANSI
     Music, etc.  This allows music to be played from your own or
     other programs or from batch files.  The TECH.DOC file on the
     program disk contains a complete description of this process.
     F8 - Play a melody backwards
     This command plays the entire melody backwards (just for fun!).
     Here is a Russian joke which gave me the idea:
        Once, I met with a friend who was studying music in college.
     He was very upset because he had to write a music piece for his
     final exam and just couldn't do it. So, I recommended that he
     take his professor's composition and play it backwards. The next
     day he called me and said that he had played it backwards and it
     sounded just like the Moonlight Sonata!
     F9 - Miscellaneous Utilities
         About...   - Copyright note and registration information.
         DOS Shell  - Shells to DOS. Type EXIT to get back.
         New File   - Clears the memory of any existing music files.
                      Also sets everything to default values.
         Erase File - Erases a *.MEL file from disk.
         8 up       - Moves the entire melody up 1 octave.
         8 down     - Moves the entire melody down 1 octave.
     F10 - Set Instrument
     Set the instrument to be used when playing this tune. Please
     note that if you don't have a Sound Blaster card, you SHOULD
     NOT change this setting!
     Alt-F2 - Sound on/off
     Toggles the sound on and off.  When sound is ON, each note is
     heard as it is entered from the keyboard.  A small check mark is
     also displayed in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
     The default value is ON. 

     Alt-F1 - Set style
     Sets one of four different styles in which to play the melody.
     In Melody Master, style refers to a delay between notes.

     Melody Master Version 2.5 contains an extensive library of
     more than 130 melodies of different kinds in different
     directories. Most of them were converted from the MUZAK
     program and other public domain programs primarily in BASIC.
     I would like to thank all of these great programmers who
     entered this music in an "old-fashioned" way. I hope, now,
     using Melody Master, you will make even more wonderful music!
     If you do, please give me a copy so I can add it to the
     library. If you wrote or entered a nice piece of music you
     want to share with others, you can include it in later
     versions of Melody Master by contacting me. I would really
     appreciate it!

     Configuration Utility
     Melody Master 2.6 contains its own configuration utility
     (MMCONFIG.EXE) and configuration file (MMCONFIG.PAR).  Run
     MMCONFIG.EXE from the DOS prompt or press 3 from START.BAT.
     After you have started the Configuration Utility, a main menu
     appears on the screen.  Use the Up/Down arrow keys to highlight
     the different options.  To choose an option, press ENTER.
     Select "Set Own Colors" to choose other screen foreground and
     background colors for Melody Master.  If the colors chosen are
     out-of-range for your monitor, you will not see any message or
     notification, but Melody Master will use 0 (Black) for the
     foreground and 1 (Blue) for the background.
     Select "Set Own Tempos" to add new tempos or change existing
     ones.  The Tempo Window will show the name of a particular
     tempo, an equal sign, and a number.  The number is a ratio which
     is multiplied by the note-length to get the current tempo.  To
     change a tempo, select the one to be changed and press ENTER.
     To add a tempo, select the next available "Not Used" line and
     press ENTER.  A maximum of 16 tempos may be specified. 

     Select "Set Own Lengths" to modify the note-lengths.  Lengths
     are in milliseconds.  Select a new note-length and press ENTER.
     Select "Help On/Off" to choose either immediate or optional
     help.  With immediate help, the help window appears when Melody
     Master starts.  With optional help, the help window activates
     only when F1 is pressed.  The default is immediate help.  After
     the basic Melody Master commands have been learned, help can be
     set to optional which will help to speed PC operations.
     Select "Library Path" to specify the start-up path to the music
     files.  The path can be any relative directory (like "MUSIC\").
     A period (.) or blank can also be entered for the current path.
     Select "Registration" to register your copy of Melody Master.
     When your registration application is processed (see HOW TO
     REGISTER) your Registration Name and Number will be sent to you.
     Enter these EXACTLY as shown on the form you receive.  Remember
     to save the new configuration.  After a successful registration,
     you will not see the Registration Reminder Screen at the
     beginning and the end of the program.  You can also unregister
     the program by deleting your Registration Name and Number.
     Select "Set Defaults" to set everything to the default values.
     The program reads the original data stored in the DEFAULT.PAR
     file.  Remember to "Save" so that the changes take effect.
     This command will also "unregister" your copy.
     Select "Save & Exit" to quit the program and save any changes in
     MMCONFIG.PAR.  If the file does not exist, it will be created.

     PLAY-to-MEL Conversion Utility
     File name is PLAY2MEL.EXE.
     This utility can convert music codes from BASIC's PLAY statements
     into *.MEL files.  Before converting, edit your music code file
     so that it contains nothing but the actual codes (no line
     numbers and no "PLAY" commands).  PLAY-to-MEL cannot convert
     "Nn" notation and "Tn" directive.  You will normally receive a
     few warnings, but the resulting file may be okay.  Do NOT expect
     perfect results!  Be prepared to edit the resulting file.

     MUS-to-MEL Conversion Utility
     File name is MUS2MEL.EXE.
     This utility converts music from PIANOMAN's *.MUS files into
     Melody Master's *.MEL files.  Use the PLAYER PIANO utility in
     PIANOMAN to convert that program's files to *.MUS.  Don't expect
     perfect results!  Be prepared to edit the resulting file! 

     PAGING utility
     File name is PAGING.EXE.
     Displays text files on the screen.

     PLAY command
     File name is PLAY.EXE.
     This command is used to play music in batch files using the
     output from "Data File".  See the TECH.DOC file on the program
     disk for more information.  A sample data file in included for
     your enjoyment.

                     DESCRIPTION OF FILES

     START   .BAT   -  Shows MELODY MASTER menu. Run this file first!
   * MM      .EXE   -  Melody Master program
   * MMCGA   .EXE   -  Melody Master program (CGA version)
   * MMCONFIG.EXE   -  Configuration utility
     PAGING  .EXE   -  Paging Utility
     PLAY    .EXE   -  PLAY command (can be used in batch files)
     MM      .DOC   -  This file!
     NEW     .DOC   -  What's new in this version
     TECH    .DOC   -  Programmers' Music Development Kit
     INVOICE .TXT   -  Melody Master Registration Order Form
     MMCONFIG.PAR   -  Configuration File
     DEFAULT .PAR   -  File containing the original configuration
     KEY     .COM   -  File used in START.BAT
     FILE_ID .DIZ   -  Description file for PCBoard BBSs
     DRVSPKR .SYS   -  Device Driver for playing music
     DRVSPKR .DOC   -  Documentation for DRVSPKR.SYS driver
     SAMPLE  .DAT   -  Sample music for the PLAY program
     MELODY26.EXE   -  The installation file containing compressed
                       version of the entire Melody Master package.
     UTILS\         -  Directory with various utilities and tools
     * PLAY2MEL.EXE -  PLAY-to-MEL Conversion Utility
       MUS2MEL .EXE -  MUS-to-MEL Conversion Utility
       MUSIC   .PAS -  Procedure PLAY for Turbo Pascal
       PLARRAY .PAS -  Turbo Pascal procedure to play "TP array"
       SOUNDER .PAS -  Background music unit in Turbo Pascal
       PLAYBG  .C   -  Background music in C (for "TC bck-gr" format)
       SOUNDSYS.C   -  Backgound music routines in C
       SOUNDSYS.H   -  Header file for SOUNDSYS.C
     MUSIC\         -  Directory for music files
  *  -  Files compressed using LZEXE v0.91 program


     I am dedicated to providing quality support for my product.
     There are lots of ways to obtain technical assistance in
     installing and/or trying out Melody Master.
     I can be reached at:
     Alexei A. Efros
     1125 East 200 South, Apt.2
     Salt Lake City, Utah 84102, U.S.A.
     WWW Page:
     The most preferred way of contacting me is by electronic
     mail though Internet. If you don't have an account on the
     Internet, you can still send me mail from other on-line
     services like CompuServe, America Online, Prodigy, etc.
     If you have a WWW client like Mosaic you can look at the
     Melody Master home page, which will have the latest version
     of my program along with other goodies.


     This program is about six years old now.  A lot  of  people
     have  contributed  to  it  along  the   way   (directly   or
     indirectly). It is impossible to mention everyone here,  but
     I will do my best to acknowledge as many as I can.
     Here they are: Alexei  L.  Efros  (my  dad),  Eugene  Levin,
     Mishka Levin, Leonia Kamenkovich, Bob Folk,  Nels  Anderson,
     Christopher Dunford, Jason Dam, Linda Bloom and many others.
     I also like to thank Borland International for their  superb
     Turbo Pascal.

                    M E L O D Y    M A S T E R
                           Version 2.6
                      P r o g r a m m e r s'
                 M u s i c   S u p p o r t   K i t

               Copyright 1991-96 by Alexei A. Efros
                        All Rights Reserved.

       When Melody Master was conceived, the idea was to  develop 
     a utility that would  help  programmers  use  the  IBM  PC's 
     internal speaker to add music  to  their  programs.   Melody 
     Master can hardly be called a "utility", but  the  goal  has 
     been reached. Melody Master  helps  to  create  music  using 
     standard notation on a musical staff.   The  output  can  be 
     saved in any of 16 different  music  formats!   The  program 
     does not require music-writing expertise.  Over 140 melodies 
     are included.


     To generate music with Melody Master, load  (or  enter)  the 
     tune you  want  to  use.   Select  tempo  and  style  (since 
     currently Melody Master  cannot  output  any  of  the  Sound 
     Blaster file formats the Instrument setting does not  effect 
     anything).  Press F7 and choose the format you wish to  use.  
     Melody Master will  create  a  music  file  in  the  current 
     directory.  The file will have the same  name  as  the  tune 
     that was loaded plus an extension (.pas, .bas, .dat, and  so 
     on).  The file may now be copied into any other program. 
     If the music is not completely satisfying  the  first  time, 
     return to Melody Master  and  change  some  of  the  musical 
     parameters  such  as  tempos,  styles,  and  octaves.   Some 
     formats cannot play very high notes; it may  be  helpful  to 
     move everything down  one  octave.  (Use  F9,  Miscellaneous 
     Utilities and the "8 down" command.) 
     NOTE: To  use  Melody  Master  output  files  in  for-profit 
     software, a Commercial License is required.      


     The following chart contains a comparison of the music formats
     available with Melody Master.  Formats are compared by quality
     of music, size if executable, and the applications required.

     Name      |Quality|  Size | Application(s)
     TP Proc.  | great | worst | Turbo Pascal 4.0+
     TP Array  | great | good  | Turbo Pascal 4.0+ and PLARRAY.PAS**
     TP B.G.   | avg.# | great | Turbo Pascal 4.0+ and SOUNDER.PAS**
     TP Play   | good  | great | Turbo Pascal 4.0+ and MUSIC.PAS**
     C B.G.    |great #| good  | C, PLAYBG.C** and SOUNDSYS.C**
     Turbo C   | great | poor  | Turbo C/Borland C++
     BASIC     | good #| great | GW-BASIC,QBASIC,QuickBASIC, etc.
     Data File | great | avg.  | PLAY.EXE**
     ANSI      | good  | great | QModem*,ANSIplay*,A_TYPE*,etc...
     ASCII     | good  | best! | VMUSIC*, POLY*, etc.
     Norton BE | poor  | poor  | Norton Utilities 4.5
     DRVSPKR   | great#| good  | DRVSPKR.SYS**
     PianoMan 3| good  | great | PIANOMAN 3.0*
     PianoMan 4| good  | great | PIANOMAN 4.0*
     4DOS/NDOS | aver. | good  | 4DOS* / NDOS from UN 6.0+
     #  - Plays music in background.
     *  - Available as Shareware or Public Domain
     ** - File is included in the Melody Master package.

     "TP Proc." - Turbo Pascal procedure.  Can be called from your
     program. Requires a CRT unit. Use only with short tunes.
     "TP Array" - Constant array. Must be included in PLARRAY.PAS
     unit using {$I filename} directive. Place PLARRAY in your
     program and call PlayArray (style) procedure.
     "TP  B.G."  -  Constant array.  Must  be  used  with  Nels
     Anderson's SOUNDER.PAS unit. Plays music in the background.
     "TP play" - Turbo Pascal procedure. Must be used with a
     MUSIC.PAS unit included in the package.
     "C  B.G." - Global array. Plays music in background. Uses P/D
     routine SOUNDSYS.C. A sample function PLAYBG.C is provided  to
     help  you  understand  how  it works. Also can be used to play
     music foreground.
     "Turbo C" - Turbo C function.  Can be called from your program
     to play music.  Use only with short tunes.
     "BASIC"  - BASIC program in ASCII.  The "Tn" and "M" directives
     may be changed.
     "Data File" - ASCII text file.  Use PLAY.EXE to play in DOS.
     Several melodies may be included in one data file.  PLAY.EXE
     can play all melodies, a specified melody, or random melodies.
     Great for batch files!  See PLAY.EXE for more details.  The
     music file will have a .dat extension.
     "ANSI" - ANSI music file. Contains screen and music codes in [MF
     notation. Recommended for long music pieces. Extension '.ANS'.
     "ANSI-BBS" - ANSI music file. Contains screen and music codes in
     [M notation specificly for putting short music pieces into BBS
     screens. Extansion '.BBS'.
     "ASCII" - ASCII file of BASIC PLAY codes without the PLAY
     command. Can be used for different applications. Extension '.ASC'.
     "Norton BE" - Must be called by BE BEEP filename. BE is a
     command in Norton Utilities. Extansion '.be'.
     "DRVSPKR" - DRVSPKR.SYS must be installed in the CONFIG.SYS
     file.  Copy the generated file into SPKR.  The music will play
     in the background.  Please note that this program is also
     shareware and to use it you need to register it with its
     "PianoMan 3" - produces *.MUS files for use with PIANOMAN 3.
     "PianoMan 4" - produces *.MUZ files for use with PIANOMAN 4.
     "4DOS/NDOS" - Batch file fragment for use in the 4DOS or NDOS
     environment. (NDOS is a part of Norton Utilities 6.0+).

     So-called ANSI music consists of a set of codes that are
     primarily used in communications.  ANSI music is not related
     to ANSI organization.  The general structure is as follows:
          ESC[MF codes... ^N
          ESC[M codes... ^N
     The music codes are the same as in BASIC's PLAY statements.
     These codes are recognized by many popular communication
     software programs such as QModem and Deluxe2. The problem is
     that ANSI music is NOT supported by the ANSI.SYS driver.
     Therefore, it cannot be heard using the DOS TYPE command. For
     more information on ANSI music in the BBS world you may contact
     Linda Bloom, the SYSOP of Bloomunit BBS with your modem at
     407-687-8712. She is an expert in ANSI music and the author of
     "BBS ANSI music tutorial".